Karine, a Swiss customer

Karine came to our Lausanne office in late August 2019

Following oral cancer of the lichen, I was resigned to never being able to eat a real meal again. 2 years that I watched people eating, 2 years that I dreamed in silence of the taste of food. Today, my dream has become a reality thanks to Emotion Food.

When I ate this olive, I had tears in my eyes. I ate an olive with the taste of the olive. It was an amazing experience and what a treat when I was able to eat the same meal as my little 6 years old princess. That day, it was not only me who had tears in my eyes. A big thank you to Emotion Food who gave me the desire and the joy of eating. Cancer is a difficult adventure, but it’s also a human adventure filled with beautiful and authentic moments thanks to people like you and your entire team.

Karine left with a little training and some capsules of Easy-Base + with her …

A few days later, she wrote us a second email:

Hello, I would like to place an order for 15 Easy-Base+ caps.

I’m having fun in the kitchen doing lots of tests, successful or failed, but it is practicing that I will become a pro 😊.

Thank you in advance for your sending and best regards.

Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments with us, that’s why we work daily!

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois 

The CHUV's Team!All our team of logopedists participated in a preparation and tasting workshop of textured dishes with Easy-Base. It has the great advantage of offering tasty meals to people with swallowing difficulties. It guarantees a facilitating texture, while maintaining a beautiful aesthetic in their presentation, and an excellent preservation of the taste of the food. The preparation technique is not complicated, with an opportunity to learn the basics at a workshop open to anyone interested, curious and motivated to learn to cook otherwise!

Beatrice Matoso, Logopedist, CHUV

Home Les Charmettes

In Neuchâtel, it is thanks to the impetus of Chef Philippe Jehan that dysphagic residents can, since July 2017, enjoy adapted textures.

“We wanted to find a solution to cook dishes with appropriate texture, dignified and creative, retaining color and taste. It’s a form of dignity and comfort”

The operations manager, Olivier Schnegg:

“Eating is also associated with pleasure, discovering novelties, sharing with other guests. (…) It is clear that for many seniors, the meal does not cause the same pleasure that this ritual aroused in their youth. (…) This question remains for the professionals: how to make residents want to eat (who have difficulties …) to eat and if possible to find pleasure. (…) The idea was then to reconstitute the dish in its original form (…) The result is downright bluffing. Our Chef Philippe Jehan (has a) approach and tireless research of the well-being of the resident in front of his plate to allow him to find pleasure and benefit of the food adapted to his appetite, his previous habits and needs of his body. “

To the Gazette des Charmettes autumn 2017

Fondation Claire Magnin

We thank them for trusting us for their residents

“To combine business with pleasure, combining pleasure of the taste buds and nutritional benefits: such is the mission of this future partner of the Foundation, which will undoubtedly make the smile to many residents (…) A real revolution, in the plate and in the hearts »

Article Claire Magnin

Testimonial of Chris Cleary, a US customer

“My name is Chris and for the past 3 years, I have been living with esophageal strictures and decreased salvia input from radiation treatment for head and neck cancer. The limited foods I can eat have to be small and smooth enough to pass easily through the stricture and also need to contain enough moisture to be easily chewed and swallowed.

Some foods like breads and meats are extremely difficult if not nearly impossible for me to eat. Since these restrictions only allow me to eat extremely small amounts of food at a time, family get-togethers and even lunch at work are challenging. Eating is such a social activity and because I may only be able to eat a bite or two of only certain foods it makes people feel awkward.  For me it is no longer awkward to be around others who are eating, it is more that I still have a longing and desire to participate in eating and I miss it very much.   

I tried drinking over the counter liquid supplements combined with eating small amounts but lost weight quickly since they could not provide the correct caloric intake to sustain a healthy weight. Through all this I consulted with my doctors, speech therapists, and a nutritionist to see if we could find a way for me to eat enough on my own. This had been a challenge because I dislike yogurt, hummus, lentils and beans and I had removed sugar and most processed foods from my diet three years prior to my diagnosis. Things were even more complicated since I am a teacher working full time and eating on demand is not an option. Feeling discouraged, I was not considering any options other than remaining on the feeding tube I currently rely on as my primary source of nutrition. 

Then in mid-January, 2017, I reached out to Maria Quici from Dysphagia Gourmet looking for recipes for pureed food that more closely resembled regular food in taste and that offered me more variety from my standard choices of oatmeal, soup, mashed potatoes, and limited fruits and vegetables. What I discovered was better than anything I could imagine. Maria introduced me to Easy-Base®.

It had been 3 years since I had my last real meal and in a just a couple hours, I was enjoying fruit (strawberries), broccoli, and even a cheeseburger using Easy-Base®. I was impressed with the color of the food I prepared since it remained true to the original food yet, what was really amazing was it tasted just like I remembered. The foods also contained enough of a liquidy quality that I was able to swallow them without any issues. The preparation was relatively easy, thus the name Easy-Base®, and I can now look forward to including more foods in my diet and experimenting with others I may have not even considered in the past. 

When Maria asked me what I thought, my response was “How do I get more Easy-Base®?”